Easy Pete Bot for Discord: Quick Guide

Note: the bot is currently in around 100 servers and is waiting to be verified before it can join more. If you get an error on trying to add it, please note that this will be fixed soon.

Easy Pete is a simple, multi-purpose Discord bot that can greet users when they join a server, create roles on request and remove those roles once no one has them, depending on settings. It has the ability to delete a group of messages with a command and other features for entertainment, as well as a word filter. All its features can be customized and this guide will briefly attempt to explain how to do that.

A substantial amount of help can be found through .help, the help for users in general, and .admin, for people who manage a server. In addition, every setting and the prefix are changed by two commands: .enable and .set. Learning how to use these commands is all that is needed to make all the bot's features to your preference.

.Enable and .Disable

The first step is to add the bot to a server through this link. It is important that we give the bot as many permissions as it needs so that all commands may work.

You can run .set after adding the bot to see all its settings.

We notice that some values at the top say Disabled, which are the features that can be enabled on a channel basis through the .enable command. At this point you can enable welcome messages by writing the following:

If we run .set again, it lets us check that the greeting feature is now enabled for this channel:

In the same manner, .enable may be used to allow .iam, .meme and .song to work on a certain channel. The three of them can be enabled at once, like the picture shows:

The .Set Command

What we did first on this guide was to enable server greetings, but we didn't tell the bot what message it should say whenever somebody joins the server. Therefore the message will be the default one. If we want to change this greeting, .set comes into play:

We just set the welcome message. We can also change the one sent when somebody leaves by running .set farewell followed by it. For both actions, the following “macros” exist:

.Set can also change the way the bot replies to other commands, like .iam. We invite you to try it out by yourself with the help of .admin and our support server, linked at the bottom of this page. However, we will use @someone as a last example.

The @someone command mentions someone at random on the server. It can be fun for some, but annoying for others. If you prefer not having it, you can run the .set command as in this picture:

Indeed, the second time there was no reply. This is the way to turn it off.


Aside from the greeting messages described above, these are the bot's features:

Congratulations, this is all there is to know about the bot. For a concise explanation, you can always turn to .admin. If you would like to suggest any changes, please create a Github Issue following the link to source code at the bottom of this page.


The bot does not log or save to our servers anything that isn't strictly necessary for its own function and it will delete all information associated to a server as soon as it is removed from it. By kicking and readding the bot, you will restore all settings to their default values. Additionally, the bot's source code is available on Github so that anyone who reads it may know what it does.

If you like the bot, we'll appreciate that you recommend it to any friends who could also enjoy it. There is also a Discord server to hang out with other users of the bot, suggest new features and ask for help if needed.


Running the bot costs USD 5 a month and some coding. While this isn't much, a donation will be highly appreciated. If you wish to donate, you can do so by following this link.